Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Rainy Wednesday

It's been a while, HI EVERYONE!!  I've been a bit neglectful in my blogging for a couple of reasons and here's why.

First, it's been a bit busy around here!  M is at camp this week and well, a lot goes into getting a kid ready for camp.  You have to get all the stuff there is for camp, plus help the kid pack for camp, which includes getting all the laundry done.  So, this weekend was a process of all that.  Plus,a few of us from church, followed the church bus up to camp so that I could what this particular camp looked like (it was her first time at this camp) and so I could help her get settled.  We were gone all day Monday!!  Tuesday we were invited to swim with friends, which was great.  And today, is well, today :)

Secondly, and probably the biggest reason, is for band reasons.  I have been doing pretty decently eating wise.  Not perfect by any means.  But, I haven't seen the scale move in a while.  And well, I couldn't figure out why.  Am I in starvation mode because I haven't been getting enough calories, is my body trying to take a break or catch up from losing so much so fast?  I didn't know.  Well, I am happy to report that I have finally seen some new numbers this week.  Whew.  So, I am back on track!  I do have a nutritionist appointment that will coincide with my NP appointment next week.  But as of this morning, 52.4 and counting!!  Can I get a cyber Woo Hoo???

Let's see what else is going on?  Oh yes, today is my root canal.  Had I been going on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of last week, I might actually be looking forward to it.  I was in so much pain last week.  The last few days I have been feeling better.  The pain is down to a dull ache with cold sensitivity.  But, I really don't care to have this feeling forever, so off I go.

Lastly, I am back on Facebook.  Back in February I was praying about somethings in my life that were really bothering me and I found that when the Lord was talking to me He was reminding me that I was spending much, MUCH too much time on Facebook.  Also, that I was missing out on my friendships because of Facebook.  Yes, it helps bring some people closer together, but I was missing something with it.  So, I felt after having the conversations with God, that He was saying to take a break off it.  For me this was really hard.  I am a very social person.  So, to get off of something that makes you even more social has been hard.  I have snuck peaks at my husband's, but haven't used mine in months.  This week, I reactivated it, cleaned up my friends list a little.  Ya know how that goes, right?

Now I'm just sitting her in the dark, waiting for L to wake up and for the thunderstorms to start.  Hoping my M is doing well at camp, glad for P that it will be a lot cooler for him at work today and VERY happy to see that new number on the scale this morning!


  1. Cyber WOO HOO! Yay for scale movement. ;)

  2. Thank you!! Saw your blog!! You are melting away as well! Good for you ;)
